The Role of Renaturing, Wilder Farming, and Sustainable Practices in Patagonia
The evolving dialogue around environmental restoration often pits rewilding against more active human management strategies. While rewilding advocates for minimal human interference, renaturing embraces the concept that humans are essential participants in ecological balance. Patagonia Land Conservation, inspired by successful European models, is integrating renaturing with wilder farming to restore Patagonia’s landscapes. Renaturing vs. Rewilding […]
Understanding Carbon Capture and Removal Technologies
Carbon capture involves technologies that trap CO₂ at emission points like factories and power plants before it enters the atmosphere. This captured CO₂ is often compressed into a liquid and stored underground, or repurposed in products like plastics and concrete. In contrast, removing CO₂ already in the air involves natural methods like planting trees or […]
Exploring Negative Emission Technologies and Practices for Climate Neutrality
At Patagonia Land Conservation, we are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to combat climate change. One promising avenue is the implementation of Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs). These technologies aim to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere and store it permanently, complementing emissions reduction efforts. Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs) are crucial […]